Sunday, October 4, 2009

Somedays vs. Everydays

It's late and I'm exhausted, but another week has passed here in Selawik and I have yet to update the blog that I've promised to stay on top of. I just find that so many of the days seem so insignificant at that moment, but when I reflect back on my week, I realize that all these 'insignificant' events add up to one interesting week.
I do have to say what's been on my mind lately isn't how much work I've been doing or how the kids are behaving, it's something more. I have no idea if I'll be able to articulate it onto paper as clear as it is in my head, but here it goes:
I have a magnet on our refrigerator that says something of the extent: "And she realized that all of her someday's are right now." I have stared at this magnet time and time again and simply smiled, walking away not thinking twice about it. The other day though, my thoughts got lost and I realized that I'm living a life of most people's 'someday's' while they live their everyday's. My everyday is most people's someday's. and I realized that I'm not sure how I feel about it. Can you really have both? What most people do everyday - marriage, babies, etc. - I'm waiting to do and hoping that there will be away to have both - someday's and everyday's. Here's to planning too.
That's really what's on my mind. I'm sorry this isn't filled with fun stories. I did have a child throw a few pencils at me and knock over the pencil bucket in hopes of it flying pencils at me... only to apologize an hour later for what she did. The things children get expelled for in the lower 48 I don't even send them to the office for. It's just how it is out here. Sometimes I look around and all I can wonder is what have I gotten myself into? These kids test me and challenge me to where I just want to yell enough, I've had enough and pack my bags and head home, but then I look at them so full of hope and love and all I can do is take a deep breath and smile because I'm here and I'm doing this and I love it. Ever since I packed my bags and left for Montana I've lived a life that follows my dreams and relies on my instincts, and I am certain that right now right here is where I'm meant to be.
I miss you. I miss each of you (all four of you that read the blog- ha!). The other day I was watching something and the people were simply laughing and I realized that might be what I miss the most: simply hearing my best friends laugh as we sit around and talk about nothing (because remember - I like talking about boys more than globalization). We laugh here for sure, but there's something so genuine about hearing the sound of someone you truly care about just laugh.
Anyways, while you're reading this, know that I think about you everyday and I miss you. And I think you are truly fabulous. So go and do whatever you do 'everyday' and know that in May, I'll be back and I'll be expecting lots of hugs and to share lots and lots of laughs with you.
So here's to both somedays and everydays,

PS - The other day I came home to find this on my doorstep. Only in Alaska! I was super giddy and can't wait to eat them. The whitefish are all cut up in the freezer and ready to be thawed. Any visitors?! Yum yum!

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